How do I use the Navigation Menu?
💡 Note: This article contains interactive tutorials. Click the target to advance to the next step.
Labor Need
RIVET users will navigate through the application using the left side navigation menu. Each option in the navigation menu is a separate "View" in RIVET. Views include Dashboard, Labor Need, Roster, Map, Jobs, and Workforce. Views are permission protected in RIVET and only Admin users are able to see everything by default.
The Dashboard view in RIVET displays a high level aggregate of labor across the organization. Users are able to create shared charts to share with the rest of their group to accurately staff their jobs.
Labor Demand Dashboard
The Labor Demand Audit in the upper left provides action items of note
Bookmarked shared charts are displayed on the Labor Demand Dashboard
Access more options by clicking the kebab menu in the upper right of a shared chart
If viewing Prospective Jobs, select which jobs are displayed by clicking Prospective Jobs
Dashboard Summary
The Dashboard Summary provides a customizable look ahead report
Some options aren't available if the timespan is set greater than 90 days
Expand each bucket by clicking on it. View job/worker Baseball Cards by clicking their names
Chart Library
Create new shared charts in the Chart Library
Follow the prompts to create customized data sets
Configure charts using Display Groups
Click the Bookmark icon to add the shared chart to the Labor Demand Dashboard
Labor Need
The Labor Need View catalogs the Labor Requests that have been made. It also houses the Labor Recommendations provided by the RIVET software as part of the Schedule To Your Forecast Feature.
Labor Need Table
The Labor Need Table catalogs all Labor Requests the user has access to
Labor Requests can be grouped by accessing the Group By menu in the upper right
The Status of a Labor Request can be changed directly from the Table
Schedulers are able to fulfill Labor Requests from the Labor Need Table
Look Ahead
The Labor Needed Lookahead Report details your next six weeks of labor needs
See how many requests have been made for each role category
View how many unscheduled workers are available each week
The Roster Board and Roster Report in RIVET are intended to show scheduled labor. Unscheduled labor is not visible from the Roster Report.
Roster Board
The Roster Board shows one day at a time
Use the Unscheduled Workers bucket on the right to see who's available day to day
Access the Card Content menu to choose which features are visible
Utilize the Sort and Filter Bar to segment data
Roster Report
The Roster Report can show up to two weeks of scheduled labor at a time
Export the Roster Report as a CSV or PDF file
The Roster Report will only show scheduled labor. Unscheduled workers will not be displayed.
Use the Sort and Filter Bar to segment data
Target a job on the Map to draw a radius around it
Send a bulk message to all workers within the radius of a job
View workers from their home or currently scheduled location
Use the Sort and Filter Bar to segment data
The Jobs View in RIVET displays data under the heading of Job Names. When looking for data regarding jobs, this view is best.
Jobs Table
Select which columns are visible and save custom views
Group jobs to find data quickly
Display the Work In Progress report from the Views drop down
Export the Jobs Table as a CSV or PDF
Jobs Schedule
Paint schedules in the Gantt Chart by clicking and dragging
Customize the layout and save custom views
Dispatch individual worker schedules
Use the Sort and Filter Bar to segment data
Jobs Forecast
Edit a job's forecast week by week or day by day
Choose to view information by number of hours or number of workers
Hover over a cell to access the kebab menu
💡 Note: When editing a job's forecast, use Tab on your keyboard to advance to the next cell.
The Workforce views in RIVET display data under the header of worker names. When looking for information pertaining to workers, the Workforce views are best.
Workforce Table
Views menu in the upper right contains premade reports in RIVET
The Columns menu in the upper left determines what information is displayed
Use the Sort and Filter Bar to segment data
Workforce Schedule
Paint schedules in the Gantt Chart by clicking and dragging
Customize the layout and save custom views
Use the Sort and Filter Bar to segment data
The Tools menu contains the starting point for many actions in RIVET. Build schedules, bulk absences, or audit the work done in RIVET.
Schedule Builder
Clicking Schedule Builder will open the Schedule Drawer on the right side of the page
Use the Header Menu to build schedules, schedule weekend work or add bulk absences
Schedule Quick Mode removes most of the decision making around building a worker schedule
Action Log
The Action Log contains information on moves made in RIVET
Sort the Action Log by action taken
Search by employee/job name or employee/job number
Labor Updates
Labor Updates displays changes to labor into the future or moves made in the past
Dispatch the changes by hovering over their row and clicking the paper airplane icon
Search by clicking the magnifying glass in the upper right
Employee Bench
The Employee Bench shows workers that are not scheduled during a time frame
Select from workers that have been Flagged For Transfer
Click Build Schedules in the bottom right to schedule the selected workers
The Help Menu contains the ability to log a bug or submit feedback to RIVET
The Release Notes are also stored in the Help Menu as well as the upcoming product roadmap
Chat With Rosie
Customer Success at RIVET will respond to inbound chats at their earliest availability
If you're experiencing an issue with the software it's a good idea to include screenshots
Detailed information regarding your experience will help RIVET recreate the issue