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Schedule To Your Forecast

RIVET will automate the creation of a Labor Curve and suggest which roles should be added to the job at which time.


💡 Note: The tutorials in this article are interactive. Click the blinking target to advance to the next step.


Labor Need View

Labor Planning Homepage

Job Plan Drawer

Role Ratios

Labor Recommendations

Low Confidence Recommendations

Related Material

Labor Need Table

Labor Need View

Labor Planning Homepage

Role Categories

Role Ratios

Labor Recommendation Modal

Labor Request Baseball Card

Remove Low Confidence Flag


Labor Need View


  • The Labor Need Table is an updated version of the Workforce Requests Table that you may be familiar with.
  • Users control both RIVET Labor Recommendations as well as Labor Requests from this view.
  • The Recommendations menu controls which recommendations are displayed.

Look Ahead

  • The Look Ahead report provides information regarding the next six weeks of planned labor
  • Recommendations as well as Labor Requests are broken out by Supervision, Journeyworker and Sub-JW roles.

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Labor Planning Homepage

  • Build a Labor Plan from the Labor Planning Homepage
  • Use the graph to compare your labor plan to your actuals, recommendations and requests.
  • RIVET will provide labor recommendations based on a ratio of supervisor roles set by the user.

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Job Plan Drawer


  • Build and publish plans from the Job Plan drawer.
  • Labor adjustments are easy and simple.
  • You have the ability to move the forecast or revert to last published.

Labor Needed

  • Labor Needed is the new counterpart to the Forecast section of the Job Plan Drawer.
  • RIVET will make labor recommendations based on the job labor plan and role ratio. For an accurate role ratio, configure the Role Categories in Manage Org.

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Role Ratios

  • Set a role ratio for the job detailing the breakdown of supervision to sub-JW roles that should be onsite.

💡 Note: The Role Ratio can be set as a percentage or a whole number.

Set as a percentage: Setting the lower limit as a percentage will ensure that the total supervisors on the job will never dip below that ratio.

Set as a number: If you know how many total supervisors you need at peak, entering this as a number will ensure that you have that many supervisors by the time the job has ramped up. Total supervisor recommendations will never exceed this number.


Screenshot 2024-09-10 at 3.09.25 PM

1. Labor Totals - These numbers are derived from the job's forecast.

💡 Note: Peak ratio 🟰 Workers at peak ➗ Average workers

2. Custom Ratios - The ratio for this job, entered manually by the user, that enables RIVET to recommend labor on the job at certain times. The desired number of supervisors may be set as a whole number or as a percentage. The second field controls the max percentage of apprentices on a job. The remaining labor hours on this job will be recommended as Journeyworkers.

3. Expected Workers At Peak - These numbers are directly tied to the Custom Ratios section above. Changing the numbers in the Custom Ratio fields will impact the numbers in this section. 

💡 Note: Sub-jw to JW ratio 🟰  Sub-jw ➗ (Journeyworkers + Supervision) :1

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Labor Recommendations

  • Once you build and publish a labor plan (Forecast), RIVET will automatically make labor recommendations in accordance with the the Role Ratios you've set.
  • Manipulating the Role Ratios and scheduling labor will change the RIVET Recommendations in real time. For example, If RIVET recommends a Journey Worker and a Supervisor is scheduled, RIVET will pivot the Journey Worker recommendation to a later point in the job to accommodate. 
  • Users are able to overwrite Labor Recommendations by turning them into Labor Requests for an alternate role or by ignoring the recommendation and scheduling labor outside of the recommendations.

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Low Confidence Recommendations

  • All recommendations for jobs in a perspective status will be marked as low confidence until the job as been awarded and moved to a 'Won' job status.
  • Labor Recommendations will be flagged as low confidence when a forecast is stale. Set your stale forecast duration in Manage Organization. If a job's forecast hasn't been updated within that timeframe, the role recommendations will be flagged as low confidence. To resolve this issue and remove the low confidence flag, the job's forecast must be made current.
  • When the scheduled duration of a recommendation is less than 14 days, RIVET will flag the recommendation as low confidence.

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