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New Permissions Experience

In mid February 2025 RIVET will migrate all users to the improved permissions experience.

What You Need To Know

  • There will be no functional change to the permissions you've established in the application. Any customized permissions in your account will remain identical to what you've established.
  • The new permissions experience improves the ability to customize permissions in RIVET.
  • User's are able to administer custom permissions to a single user or a group of users without needing to create a new role.

Actions You'll Need To Take

  • There may be a number of identical Permission Sets in RIVET once your account has been migrated to the new experience. These identical sets can be consolidated into one, and given a name that makes sense to the user. 
    For example: Previously, you had the roles Apprentice 1, Apprentice 2, Apprentice 3, Apprentice 4. All of those roles had identical permissions. Now that permissions and roles have been decoupled, you can have one Permission Set spread across multiple roles. Thusly, the identical Permission Sets can be consolidated into one permission titled "Apprentice" or "Craft Worker" or anything that makes sense to your organization. 

Interactive tutorial on how to clean duplicated Permission Sets (click the targets to advance)

  • Once your org has been migrated to the new permissions experience, navigate to Manage Organization and click around. Familiarize yourself with the new layout and navigation. 
  • Peruse the Knowledge Base article we've written on the topic here