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Manage Organization: Roles and Permissions (Beta)

Permission Levels dictate what is visible for users in RIVET. Role Categories influence RIVET's Labor Recommendations.


💡 Note: This article contains interactive tutorials. Click the targets to advance to the next step.




Role Categories

Sync Role Colors

Add New

Permission Sets

Clean Duplicates

Create New




Set As Fallback


Jump To Role

See Profile

Individual Permissions

View Permission Set

Change Role

Related Content

Role Categories

Schedule To Your Forecast


Admin users with access to Manage Organization will click the settings gear icon in the upper right

Navigate to Roles and Permissions from the left side navigation

The Roles and Permissions page is divided into three sections: Roles, Permission Sets and Workers. These are accessible from the header menu.


Roles in RIVET are synonymous with "Job Titles" 

Roles in RIVET are completely customizable by the organization

Roles are organized into 'Role Categories'

Admin users can set default permission sets for each role

Role Categories

RIVET Labor Recommendations are controlled by organizing worker roles into categories.

Back Office

These roles will never be suggested for labor by RIVET Recommendations. Please note, you can still schedule Back Office roles to jobs if their specific role is set to "Scheduled Worker".


These roles are your leaders in the field. Example: Foreman, Field Leader, General Foreman, Crew Lead, Job Manager. These roles will be recommended when a job requires a leader to be scheduled.

Journey Worker

These roles are fully accredited while seldom acting as leaders in the field. Example: Journeyworker, Technician, Service Shop Worker. These roles will be recommended by RIVET when the ratio dictates another Journeyworker is needed.

Sub Journey Worker Roles

These roles are workers that may still be training on the job. Examples: Apprentice (any level), Shop Help, Temp Labor, CW, CE, etc. These roles will be recommended when a job's role ratios require additional Sub-JW roles.

Sync Role Colors

Change the Role Category color by clicking the color tile to the left of the title

Syncing the Role Colors will make all roles in that category match the category color

Add New

Add a new Role to a Role Category

Select the role color by clicking the color tile to the left of the title

Create the Role Name

Set the Default Permission Set for this role

Select if worker's with this role will be 'Scheduled Workers' or 'Back Office Staff'

Move this role to a different category with the 'Move To' drop down

Permission Sets

Admin users with access to Manage Organization create customized permission sets

These permission sets determine what is visible by users in their organization

Cleanup Duplicates

Permission sets with identical permissions are grouped in this section

Since multiple roles can inherit the same permission set, only one set of each configuration is required

Merge duplicated permission sets to prevent redundancy and clutter

Remove additional permission sets that are no longer needed


Create New

Create a new permission set by customizing a permission template

Permission Templates

RIVET provides seven permission templates

Starting from these templates, RIVET users can create as many unique permission sets as they need

Craft Worker - Limited view only access to assigned jobs with the ability to read messages and view their personal schedule for two weeks at a time.

Crew Leader - Limited view only access to assigned jobs with the ability to read messages and mark unplanned absences on assigned jobs.

Project/Field Leader - View only access to assigned jobs and workers with the ability to read messages, create labor requests and mark unplanned absences on assigned jobs.

Project/Field Scheduler - Full access to assigned jobs and workers with the ability to create jobs, workers, labor requests, absences and messages and the ability to create, edit and delete schedules on assigned jobs.

Labor Manager - Full access to all jobs and workers with the ability to create jobs, workers, labor requests, absences and messages and the ability to create, edit and delete all schedules.

Executive Viewer - View only access to all information and features in RIVET. Users will not have their roles or groups updated by the integration.

Admin - Full access to all information and features in RIVET including managing other users' notifications and application security. Users will not have their roles or groups updated by the integration.



BadgeAccess Shield - When on, these worker's default role and organization group are protected from change by an integration. 

Icon Touches Financial Data - Is able to view and possibly edit financial information depending on which of these permissions are toggled on.

Icon (1) Touches Sensitive Data - Ability to view Tags, SSN, Worker Notes, Workers Personal Information

Icon (2) Can See All Jobs In Their Group

PhoneAndroidFilled Craft Worker Experience - Craft Worker's have less permissions by default and see a more siloed version of the application. This experience only shows job's the worker is assigned to and will only show the worker's schedule for two weeks at a time.



Click the three dots next to a permission set to access the kebab menu

Select 'Edit'

Click 'Done' to save your changes

Click 'Cancel' to discard your changes


Click the three dots next to a permission set to access the kebab menu

Click 'Duplicate' to create an identical copy of that permission set

Change the name of the duplicated permission set

Fine tune the new custom permission set to arrive at your desired configuration

🏆 Tip: Use the 'Duplicate' feature if an existing custom permission set is close to what you're looking for. Make subtle changes to the duplicate to arrive at a new custom permission set.


Set As Fallback

For users with an active integration for Workers

When a new role is created in RIVET from your source system

The newly created role will inherit this permission set



Navigate to Roles and Permissions from the left navigation menu in Manage Organization

Select Workers from the header menu


Jump To Role

Select which Role you'd like to view on the Worker Permission Table

If no workers are assigned to the selected role, it will not show in the Table


See Profile

Click the three dots to the right of the worker's name to access the kebab menu 

Click See Profile to view the worker's profile



Individual Permissions

The default permission set is determined on a role level

If needed, each worker can inherit a custom permission set

Adjust individual permissions from the drop down to the right of a worker's name

This way, the individual still maintains their role but their permissions are different than their peers


View Permission Set

Click the three dots to the right of the worker's name to access the kebab menu

Click 'View Permission Set' to view the permission settings for that worker



Change Role

Click the three dots to the right of the worker's name to access the kebab menu

Select Change Role

Choose which role this worker should be categorized under