Create custom permission sets and apply them to roles and/or individual workers.
💡 Note: This article contains interactive tutorials. Click the targets to advance to the next step.
Permission Sets
Related Content
- Admin users will navigate to Manage Organization by selecting the settings gear icon in the upper right.
- Select Roles and Permissions from the left side navigation.
- The Roles and Permissions interface is divided into three sections: Roles, Permission Sets and Workers. These are accessible from the header menu.
- Create and Manage Roles
- Permission Sets live completely separate from roles. You're able to apply a permission set across any number of roles.
- Once you establish a default Permission Set on the role, ALL workers of that role will now inherit the permission set.
💡 Note: Permissions of an individual worker CAN be adjusted in the workers tab and they are allowed to have a unique permission set from their role.
Role Categories
Back Office
These roles will never be suggested for labor by RIVET Recommendations. Please note, you can still schedule Back Office roles to jobs if their specific role is set to "Scheduled Worker".
These roles are your leaders in the field. Example: Foreman, Field Leader, General Foreman, Crew Lead, Job Manager. These roles will be recommended when a job requires a leader to be scheduled.
Journey worker
These roles are fully accredited while seldom acting as leaders in the field. Example: Journey worker, Technician, Service Shop Worker. These roles will be recommended by RIVET when the ratio dictates another Journey worker is needed.
Sub Journey Worker Roles
These roles are workers that may still be training on the job. Examples: Apprentice (any level), Shop Help, Temp Labor, CW, CE, etc. These roles will be recommended when a job's role ratios require additional Sub-JW roles.
Sync Role Colors
- Change the Role Category color by clicking the color tile to the left of the title.
- Sync Role Colors makes all roles in that category match the category color.
Add a New Role
- Select Add new from the Role Category
- Input a role name
- Choose the role color by clicking the color tile to the left of the role name
- Choose a permission set from the Default Permission Set dropdown
- From the Worker Type dropdown choose whether the role will be Back Office Staff or Scheduled Workers
Permission Sets
- View all of your permission sets in the Permission Sets tab
- Click a permission set to edit the individual permissions within it
- Cleanup duplicated permission sets
Cleanup Duplicates
- Permission sets with identical permissions are grouped in this section.
- Merge duplicated permission sets to prevent redundancy and clutter.
- Remove additional permission sets that are no longer needed.
Create a New Permission Set
Create new permission sets from seven pre-seeded templates.
Permission Templates
Craft Worker - Limited view only access to assigned jobs with the ability to read messages and view their personal schedule for two weeks at a time.
Crew Leader - Limited view only access to assigned jobs with the ability to read messages and mark unplanned absences on assigned jobs.
Project/Field Leader - View only access to assigned jobs and workers with the ability to read messages, create labor requests and mark unplanned absences on assigned jobs.
Project/Field Scheduler - Full access to assigned jobs and workers with the ability to create jobs, workers, labor requests, absences and messages and the ability to create, edit and delete schedules on assigned jobs.
Labor Manager - Full access to all jobs and workers with the ability to create jobs, workers, labor requests, absences and messages and the ability to create, edit and delete all schedules.
Executive Viewer - View only access to all information and features in RIVET. Users will not have their roles or groups updated by the integration.
Admin - Full access to all information and features in RIVET including managing other users' notifications and application security. Users will not have their roles or groups updated by the integration.
Access Shield - When on, these worker's default role and organization group are protected from change by an integration.
Touches Financial Data - User is able to view and possibly edit financial information depending on which of these permissions are toggled on.
Touches Sensitive Data - Ability to view Tags, SSN, Worker Notes, or Worker Personal Information.
Can See All Jobs In Their Group - Ability to see all jobs in their group vs all jobs they're assigned to.
Craft Worker Experience - Limited view only access to assigned jobs with the ability to read messages and view their personal schedule for two weeks at a time.
Edit a Permission Set
- Click the three dots next to a permission set to access the kebab menu.
- Select Edit. Any changes will cascade across all of the roles and/or workers that permission set is applied to.
- Click Done to save your changes.
- Click Cancel to discard your changes.
- Click the three dots next to a permission set to access the kebab menu.
- Click Duplicate to create an identical copy of that permission set.
- Change the name of the duplicated permission set.
- Fine tune the new custom permission set to arrive at your desired configuration.
🏆 Tip: Use the 'Duplicate' feature if an existing custom permission set is close to what you're looking for. Make subtle changes to the duplicate to arrive at a new custom permission set.
Set a Permission Set As a Fallback
- For users with an active integration for Workers
- When a role is automatically created by an integration workers in that role will inherit that “Fallback” permission set until assigned a new permission set manually.
Individual Worker Permissions
- Navigate to Roles and Permissions from the left navigation menu in Manage Organization.
- Select Workers from the header menu.
Jump To Role
- Select which Role you'd like to view on the Worker Permission Table.
- If no workers are assigned to the selected role, it will not show in the Table.
See Profile
- Click the three dots to the right of the worker's name to access the kebab menu.
- Click See Profile to view the worker's profile.
Manage Individual Worker Permissions
- The default permission set is determined on a role level.
- If needed, each worker can inherit a custom permission set.
- Adjust individual permissions from the drop down to the right of a worker's name.
- This way, the individual still maintains their role but their permissions are different than their peers.
View Permission Set
- Click the three dots to the right of the worker's name to access the kebab menu.
- Click View Permission Set to see details for that worker.
Change Role
- Click the three dots to the right of the worker's name to access the kebab menu.
- Select Change Role.
- Choose a new role from the dropdown.