Labor Request Templates

Create and save custom forms to be filled out when a Labor Request is created


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'Create New Template' Drop Down

Create New Template

Manage Templates

Archive Template

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Navigate To Workforce Requests Table

Click Workforce on the left side menu

Click 'Requests' on the header menu

Nav Req

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'Create New Template' Drop Down

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Click drop down next to 'Create New Template'

Crew Temp Drop

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Create New Template

Navigate to Workforce Requests Table

Click 'Create New Template' in upper right to open the Manage Templates modal

On the right side, name your new template

In the text box below, type out your Labor Request Template

Click 'Save changes'

Create Template

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Manage Templates

Navigate to Workforce Requests Table

Click the drop down next to 'Create New Template'

Click 'Manage Templates'

On the left, click the name of a template and edit the text on the right

Click 'Save changes' when done editing

Manage Temp

Note: When editing multiple templates, you must save each template when finished. Clicking on another template before saving your current changes will result in the changes being lost.

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Archive Templates

Navigate to Workforce Requests Table

Click the dropdown next to 'Create New Template'

Select 'Manage Templates'

To archive a template, click the down arrow icon

To access archived templates, click 'Archived Templates' on the lower left side


Note: To unarchive a template, click the up arrow icon.

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