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Schedule Builder

Three Lines and a Plus Sign.


💡 Note: This article contains interactive tutorials. Click the target to advance to the next step.


Schedule Builder Icon

Schedule Drawer

Schedule Workers

Potential Assignment Conflict

Potential Schedule Conflict

Clear Schedules

Quick Mode

Bulk Absences

Schedule Builder Icon

Screenshot 2024-10-08 at 2.03.10 PMThree Lines and a Plus Sign. Wherever you see this icon in the application, clicking on it will open the Schedule Drawer on the right side of the page. There are a number of places this icon lives in RIVET. The most prominent being in the lower left of the application at all times.

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Schedule Drawer

Click the Schedule Builder Icon anywhere in the RIVET application

The Schedule Drawer will open on the right side of the page

Collapse the Schedule Drawer by clicking the orange arrow in the upper left

Untitled design (3)

💡 Note: When the Schedule Drawer is open and collapsed, the Action Log, Labor Updates and Employee Bench are not clickable. To access those features, be sure to close the Schedule Drawer when not in use. 

Screenshot 2025-02-19 at 2.53.09 PM
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Schedule Workers

Click the Schedule Builder Icon to access the Schedule Builder Drawer

Schedule Workers is the default selection from the header menu

Screenshot 2024-10-29 at 10.44.29 AM

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Assignment Conflict

Assigning someone to a job in RIVET grants them access to basic job information

Once assigned to a job the user will see start time, default weekly schedule, address

Being assigned to a job does not necessarily mean the individual has been scheduled

💡 Note: Not every worker that's been assigned to a job has been scheduled. However, every worker that has been scheduled to a job is also assigned to that job.


When scheduling a worker, if that worker is assigned to another job the user will be presented with an Assignment Conflict in the Schedule Drawer

Screenshot 2024-10-29 at 9.56.47 AM


The Assignment Conflict gives the user the choice to Permanently Transfer this worker, ending all other assignments and schedules on other jobs.


Alternatively, the user can add this as an Additional Job. This option will not remove the worker from any of their current assignments, and simply add this job to the worker's docket.


If the user chooses Permanent Transfer they will not be presented with a Potential Schedule Conflict on the following step in the Schedule Drawer. Permanently transferring the worker resolves any potential Schedule Conflicts that may have arisen.

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Schedule Conflict

If a worker has an active schedule at another job at any point during the duration of the new schedule being built, the user will be presented with a potential Schedule Conflict.

Screenshot 2024-10-29 at 10.28.39 AM


Clear - Through the duration of the schedule being built, the worker's existing schedule will be cleared. Once the duration of the current schedule has concluded, the worker(s) will automatically return to the jobs they had been scheduled to previously.



Double Book - The worker's current schedule will not be altered through the duration of the schedule being built. The current schedule being built will be in addition to any previously built schedule(s). This is useful when a worker is expected to show on one job in the morning and a different job in the afternoon. 

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Clear Schedules

Screenshot 2024-10-29 at 10.44.54 AMClick the Schedule Builder icon anywhere in the application

The second option in the header menu of the Schedule Drawer is Clear Schedules

  • Select a job
  • Select worker(s)
  • Unassign - End the workers assignment on the job after a certain date
  • Clear - Keep the worker assigned to the job and clear their schedule through a start and end date
  • Determine the date range
  • Clear Schedules



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Quick Mode

Once a job has been selected in the Schedule Builder, Quick mode is accessible

Quick Mode resolves Assignment/Schedule Conflicts by permanently transferring workers

Workers will be scheduled to the job until the job's end date is reached


💡 Note: In Quick Mode the job's start date can not be in the future and the job's end date can not be in the past.

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Bulk Absences

Schedule absences for multiple workers simultaneously

Located in the header menu of the Schedule Drawer

Select every worker in your org using the check box

🏆 Tip: Use Bulk Absences for national or company wide holidays.

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