Rivet SSO: Login Methods

About Rivet Login Methods While setting up SSO for your organization you can choose between 4 different methods to set as your organization’s required method for Login. These 4 methods are explained in further detail below.


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Any Method

This method means that if SSO is set up for your organization, all users on your account can choose to use SSO OR their Email and Password as their login method.

Password Only

This method requires that all users on your account login with their Email and Password only.


This method requires that all users on your account login via SSO. Note: SSO must be setup and verified for your organization to select this method.

SSO Only for Authorized Domains

This method requires that all users on your account with an authorized domain Email address login via SSO but if you have users in your account who have not been given an authorized domain email address and have been granted a Rivet account with another email then they will be able to login via Email and Password. Note: SSO must be setup and verified for your organization to select this method.