RIVET Finder

Robust search feature helps you find what you're looking for quickly.


💡 Note: This article includes interactive tutorials. Click the targets to advance to the next steps.



Keyboard Shortcuts

Active/All Workers and Jobs

By Recents

By Collection

Baseball Card/Edit/View Profile



The Finder is located in the upper left of the RIVET application

Click into the search bar to access the Finder modal

🏆 Tip: Use the keyboard shortcut ⌘ ↵ on a Mac or  ↵ on a PC to access the Finder.

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Keyboard Shortcuts

⌘ ↵ - Open Finder (Mac)

 ↵ - Open Finder (PC)

⬆️⬇️ - Navigate 

- Open Selection

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Active/All Workers and Jobs

By Default the Finder will focus on Workers that are Employed and Jobs that are Active

You can choose to include Terminated Employees and Closed Jobs by accessing the drop down

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By Recents

When a search is completed in the Finder it will be stored in the By Recents section

You can click to access the Workers/Jobs in the By Recent section to access them again

The By Recents is specific to each user, displaying what you've searched for most recently

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By Collection

RIVET collections display jobs that may need your attention

Overscheduled Jobs - The number of workers forecasted this week is less than the amount scheduled

Underscheduled Jobs - The number of workers forecasted this week is more than the amount scheduled

Jobs with Stale Forecasts - The Forecasts on these jobs have not been updated in 

💡 Note: The Labor Demand Audit on the Labor Demand Dashboard is another place you can access these collections.

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Baseball Card/Edit/View Profile

Hovering over a Job/Worker in the Finder will bring up quick access buttons

You can access the Baseball Card on the side of the Finder

You can navigate to the Edit Job Drawer

You can navigate to a Job's Pages or a Worker's Profile

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