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  2. Managing your Resources

Edit Worker Information

How do I edit worker information?

In RIVET, you're able to edit a single worker or bulk edit workers to change multiple worker's information in one go.

Edit Single Worker:

Anywhere you see the workers name in RIVET, clicking their name will access the worker's Baseball Card.

From the worker's Baseball Card, click the pencil icon to update the worker's information.

Edit Worker From Baseball Card

Note: Editing worker information is permission protected. If you don't have access to the Edit Worker modal and believe you should, please contact the RIVET admin at your organization.

Navigate through the editable fields by using the header menu.

Edit Worker Modal Nav

Tip: Be sure to save your changes or choose Cancel in the bottom right to discard them.

Bulk Edit: 

From the Workforce Table view, check the box next to each worker you're looking to edit.

Bulk Edit Check Boxes

Tip: Utilize the Sort and Filter Bar to quickly find the workers you're looking to edit.

If you wish to select every worker in the Workforce Table at the same time, select the checkbox at the top left.

Then, click 'Bulk Actions' above the table to access the drop down.

'Edit Multiple Workers' will be an option in that menu.

Bulk Edit Workers Real